between you and us
Does your research, education, or policymaking, touch on epidemiology in a broad sense? Do you like to have a maximum of return of each of your Euros? Just contact us for, more written information, an informal phone call, or a meeting face to face. We may also provide a short presentation for a larger audience on site. It is up to you!
We are happy to answer your questions
Establishing a new contact is, in general, not that easy. How does the other person react? Does she, or he, have time for me? Is he, or she, in the right mood? All these thoughts, and others, may pop up consciously and unconsciously. We feel an unconscious hesitation is a quite common bottleneck in establishing contacts.
Similarly, you may have doubts to establish a contact with DRS. Several additional questions may come to your mind. What people do I meet? What is the quality of the services? Do these fit the needs I have? And if so, do the services fit the available budget?
We can reassure you, and answer all your questions, having contact only! So, let you astonish by our empathy and the quality of the services of great price.
For general questions
Hazezegge 19, 2318 ZH Leiden
+31 (0)71 34 11 257