Winter is traditionally regarded as the coldest and darkest season of the year. A time where everything comes to a halt. Yet it does provide opportunities for growth. Just like plant-seeds nourish themselves in preparation of spring, our company has deployed new activities to be ‘grown’ over the course of 2022. 

Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases; a human view

Textbook by Jos Frantzen & Theo Wobbes

Our general manager Jos Frantzen is writing a textbook entitled ‘Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases: a human view’. He, thus, continues briefly his role as epidemiologist. Jos was struck by the difficulties of societies to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. It triggered the general question how to cope with epidemics of infectious diseases. Infectious diseases that seem to become more and more abundant. The book is being co-written by Theo Wobbes, a former professor of the Radboud University Medical Centre at Nijmegen (NL).

The book will present a multi- and interdisciplinary view on epidemics surpassing the biomedical sciences. A triadic model of health and disease will enable an integrated investigation of, physical health, mental health and society. In addition, the wealth of pathogens is described in such a way that major principles of the epidemiology of infectious diseases can be presented to fit various educational requirements.

Insight in the evolutionary and spatial dynamics of pathogens is provided validating theory by way of empirical data of plant diseases and observational data of human diseases. The term societal resilience will be introduced to express the ability of a community to cope with an epidemic. This means scaling up the triadic interaction at the individual level to the population level. Finally, the topic of managing epidemics is addressed keeping in mind the contribution of an intervention to societal resilience. The gap between interventions at the individual level and the population level, respectively, will be described. The gap exists whether we look at, legal aspects, efficacy, safety, or compliance. The publication of the book by Wageningen Academic Publishers (NL) is scheduled for the end of 2022.  

Brunel Solar Team

Partnerships and Public Relations by Lucas Frantzen

Our designer Lucas Frantzen is part of the Brunel Solar Team for 2022. Specifically, he is responsible for Partnerships and Public Relations. Made up of eleven students this team puts all effort in preparing the Nuna11s Solar Car for an international solar race in South-Africa this September. The team faces the challenge of combining great technical innovation in driving cars on solar energy with building an excellent race team to win the Sasol Solar Challenge. The enthusiasm, professionality, and working discipline of these young people is impressive. We wish our designer, and the team, good luck. 

Floriade Dialogue

Trailblazer by team Driehoek Research Support

Driehoek Research Support provides the trailblazer of the Urban Health Campus Almere Leiden (see Newsletter Autumn). The campus will present the topic of urban health during a Floriade-Dialogue on the 25th of March. The Floriade is an international horticultural exhibition once every 10 years. It is presently hosted by the City of Almere (NL). The exhibition is accompanied by a knowledge programme. The dialogues are part of this programme and will be presented both, on site and online. It enables people from all over the world to participate. The announcement of the Urban Health Dialogue will be presented soon on the website of the Floriade. 

Do you like to have a maximum of return of your research money? Does your research belong to the Life Sciences? Just contact us for more information, on paper, by way of a presentation, or an exploring chat.